On 1st of February, Pune witnessed an eclectic fashion fiesta at Sin Envy Pride, a premium cocktail lounge in Koregaon Park. In their brand launch in October 2016 Pune, witnessed the launch of ‘India Fashion Walk’, an event that offered a platform for designers across India to showcase their work. Designs by several Pune designers, including Mystic Quartz by Tanvi Ejrekar, Runway Ready by Prerna and Justine, Shweta Divgi and Jhelum Fashion House, and footwear sponsored by Nupur Chaudhuri were displayed to an august crowd. The one of a kind event was curated by WFT India, in association with Mercedes-Benz Trinity Motors.
The next leg again focused on showcasing home grown talent and local as well as national designers across India. This first edition of IFW Runway Sunsets was presented by 24K – A Kolte Patil Project, in association with Mercedes Benz Trinity Motors, and showcased the designs of several Pune designers including Mireille by Aishwarya Waghmare, Mystic Quartz by Tanvi Ejrekar, Soleil by Aditi Bhalerao, and Kyma. “The ensembles from this collection were a part of Soleil’s signature collection consisting of our brand colours – Black, White and Mint.
The styles showcased were a mix of classic contemporary and a bit of sports luxe that convey the value of minimalistic luxury. “IFW Runway Sunsets was conceived to bring about a night of glamour and panache with models sashaying down the club flaunting the designs, followed by a dance floor brought to life with the music of local popular artists.
Nishant Shekhawat, Director, WFT India says, “We conceptualized this event in order to bring forward the talent of designers from Tier 2 cities, as well as to help them seamlessly connect with media, buyers and the direct consumers. The main idea is to help enhance the business of fashion for them as well as for the hosting city.”
The fashion show was put together by Show Director Chaitanya Gokhale, with Studio Strands by Neha Chanchlani as the Hair & Makeup Partner, and was supported by FAD Academy. The event was on invitation basis only and was attended by the who’s who of the Pune social circle.
This review is a narrative of my experience at the event. The views expressed in this review are solely mine and others are more than welcome to agree or disagree with the same. The review is in no way influenced either personally or commercially nor has it been lifted, copied or plagiarized from any source however I have done my due diligence on the event via publicly available information on the internet and as shared by the brand.
All rights reserved.