Recently Pune witnessed the launch of ‘India Fashion Walk’, an event that offered a platform for designers across India to showcase their work. Designs by several Pune designers, including Mystic Quartz by Tanvi Ejrekar, Runway Ready by Prerna and Justine, Shweta Divgi and Jhelum Fashion House, and footwear sponsored by Nupur Chaudhuri were displayed to an august crowd. The one of a kind event was curated by WFT India, in association with Mercedes-Benz Trinity Motors. Check out the event here…
Following Brands showcased their ensemble at the India Fashion Walk
The highlights of the event included
When asked about their collection,
Tanvi Ejrekar said, “The idea of Mystic Quartz exudes vibrancy and exclusivity. Rich colours and a variety of silhouettes define the essence of the collection. Every outfit strikes a balance between contemporary style and classic charm. Created in smooth western styles, the collection tells you to go ahead and wear the vibe.”
Label Nupur Chaudhuri showcased its signature Kolhapuri designs with new variations. Models walked tall in the signature gold Kolhapuri Gladiators as well as in beautiful two-toned hand embroidered festive pairs in Royal blue, blood red, midnight black and gorgeous creams. The embroidery featured gold and antique gold threads with bronze beads and pearls. In keeping with the label’s sensibilities, each pair from the new collection reflects a marriage of Indian and contemporary trends.The new festive collection takes inspiration from current international trends of cut out wedge heels, geometrical box heels, and velvet as the base for uppers — From velvet tassles to red velvet front borders and linings, to olive green velvet heel coverings. The collection wows with its modern twist to Indian designs. Look out for the brogue Kolhapuri in olive green velvet and blingy mirror gold.
The event also celebrated the success of the Mercedes-Benz GLA, a world tour traversing six continents, seventeen countries and clocking over 50,000 kms, before returning to Pune.The Mercedes Benz GLA was flagged by Mr. Ranjan Sen, CEO & Mr. Gaurav Ghatge, Executive Director from Mercedes-Benz Trinity Motors.
Entitled as the ‘Great overLand Adventure (GLA), the ‘India Made’ GLA was put to a realistic endurance test as it travelled across varied geographies and climates across the globe. The GLA which rolled-out of Mercedes-Benz India’s Pune production plant traversed across six continents, seventeen countries and clocked more than 50,000kms before returning to Pune.
The GLA comes in 3 variants.
- The special Activity Edition model
- Mercedes-Benz GLA 200 & 200d
- Mercedes-AMG GLA 45 4MATIC
A press conference was also held to interact with the media and bloggers in particular and the audience in general. The panel included Mr. Ranjan Sen [CEO, Trinity Mercedes-Benz Motors], Mr. Shailendra Shukla [HOD Marketing, Trinity Mercedes-Benz Motors], Aarti Rele [Partner, Jhelum Fashion House], Nupur Chaudhuri [Owner, Nupur Chaudhuri Footwear] and Reet Arora [Partner, WFT India and Co-Curator of India Fashion Walk].
Bhupinder Makker, Reet Arora & Nishant Shekhawat, the curators of WFT Pune crafted this unique event in association with Mercedes-Benz Trinity Motors. Nishant Shekhawat, Director, WFT India was quoted saying, “We conceptualised this event in order to bring forward the talent of designers from Tier 2 cities, as well as to help them seamlessly connect with media, buyers and the direct consumers. The main idea is to help enhance the business of fashion for them as well as for the hosting city.”
A wine and cheese session catered by Grandiose Hospitality and attended by local celebrities, entrepreneurs and business owners marked the end of a immensely colorful event.
Disclaimer: The invite was for a complimentary event.
This review is a narrative of my experience at the event. The views expressed in this review are solely mine and others are more than welcome to agree or disagree with the same. The review is in no way influenced either personally or commercially nor has it been lifted, copied or plagiarized from any source however I have done my due diligence on the event via publicly available information on the internet and as shared by the brand.
All rights reserved.